Fall Theme
This week, we focused on
Fall theme before we have Pumpkin Theme for Halloween Week.
I got the material from
Homeschool Creations1st DayWe started with the shadow. He has to match the shadow. He's so enthusiast pasting it. He made it completely all by himself.

Next, he learned how to sort between the Apples and the Leaves. He got the concept but he asked me to apply the glue and he pasted it. It looked so neat, huh??? Xixixixixixi......

Then, it was tracing. He had to trace various lines a leave to the leaves pile. He did it very well.

The last activity for the 1st day was doing this circle numbers. It should be using a peg to count it but I preferred to ask him pasting the numbers. He did it well....He counted the things one by one and recognized the numbers!!
2nd DayAs we know that he's a puzzle man. He loves puzzle and also with this activity. He had to manage the puzzle based on the number beside. He could manage it very well though he paste it not really nice....;P

Then, continued with sort the leaves based on small-medium-large. He made it nicely with my help applying the glue. Hahahhaa.....

And the last was learning the vocabularies. He was so excited seeing the pictures and repeated the words after me. ^^
Role Play

He suddenly put this Dressing Frame into his head and claimed himself as a
Masterchef as he's seen on TV....but I said that he's looking like a Pope......hahahhahaha......
Pothai slept with us after we went from Subang. It's to save Papa's time the next morning as he has to work. After Pothai had taken a bath, she asked to stay in the bed. Fritz was still excited to play and he preferred to jump on the bed while Pothai was so tired.
I love this picture, it showed how his great grams loves him so much....so lovely moment....^^

Fritz is always curious on something outrageous for him. That day, I've made an arrangement for
cleaning up our Air Conditioner (AC). When the men were coming, Fritz's already curious with their work. He always followed me wanna see what they're doing.
So, when the men were busy with their work, Fritz asked me to stay with him watching. It's another learning for him to know that something needs to be cleaned up or repaired. I'm really proud that he's really a curious learner boy. ^^

Both of us were getting bored in Apartment that day, so I decided to ask Fritz to go to the
nearest mall. Fritz was so excited and very agreed when I said we're going by '
angkot'. Just took a few minutes, we'd arrived at the mall.
We really enjoyed our time there. We went to Timezone and played for few games. Then, we moved to Centro and looked for jeans. We didn't get what we wanted. We got out and stopped by at Hoka Hoka Bento to have dinner. I just bought for Fritz and surprisingly, he could finish all the meal. Wow! It's his first time he could finish his fully meal and it's a lot!!
Really happy time with him......^^

It's his first time
watching in the cinema and we chosed the full version of Cars 2. It's really his moment as that day was his 31st months.
He extremely couldn't wait to watch it and always asked again and again bout the movie. Hahaha......can't explain his expression.
During the watching, he sat on my lap and stared on the big screen till the movie's done. He said that the screen was as big as Opa's. Hahaha.....
He was soooo happy and always repeated the moments. He repeated what I said that the man who operated the movie was eating his meal as the movie wasn't on yet. Then, the light was getting dark before the movie was on. Mr Operator was playing the DVD. The screen was as big as Opa's TV. And so on.....^^

After I'd done with my private students, the clock has struck to evening. It's time for us having dinner. The nearest place we could go just Living World mall. So we went there and having a blast dinner at
Fish and Co restaurant. They have promo to buy 1 meal and get 1 meal free.
We really got fun time to have dinner at this place. Thanks to Papa who really works hard for us!! ^^