He learnt how to cut the pentagon. He really didn't need any help when doing it. Good job, boy!
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Earth Week
We're still continuing our Earth Week theme this week.
Circle the first letter of vocabularies
Match the names and the pictures
Do the maze
What plants need for life.
Trace the letters
Monday, April 29, 2013
Sunday, April 28, 2013
K4 : Week 4 (Earth Week)
4 years
Regarding to the Earth Week, we did some various activity about it.
Earth Week Theme
Naming the part of tree
Doing the addition
Coloring the can number 4
Filling the empty box with ordinal numbers
Coloring the Earth by numbers
Doing the maze
Writing the part of tree
Cutting the materials to be pasted
Ordering the life cycle of Plant
Tracing the lines
Finding the same pictures
Doing the pictures' sequences
Doing the maze to get the water under the tree
Coloring the Earth again by the orders
Fritz was using his sticks again to do the addition. I left him to do it by himself but then in few minutes he found a difficulty. He forgot how to do it. :P So I've to accompany him a while to give him the instruction. He's great after that, he finished the worksheet by himself. (Y)
Related to our theme this week, Earth week theme, I found this idea from Pinterest. We're making an Earth pancake by using green and blue food coloring to be the same as Earth. It's actually fun activity for us, but our room is really small to move on. :P
This time our Origami time contained of fruits. He said he wanted to make fruits. He chose to make banana, grapes and watermelon. He insisted to put face on those, only watermelon was safe from face. :P
Yeaaaah....finally, he's back again to the pool. This time I made it very slow.
A day before, I asked him to have swimming and, surprisingly, he said yes with my offer. So, the next day, I made it coming true. I asked him to go to the nearest pool. It's around 9 o'clock before we jumped into the pool. Not really jump actually, LOL
Then, I suited him with his pants and shirtless. I asked him to get in the water. He's really taking an hour to adjust with the pool. Firstly, he just wanted to stand in the first stage, sitting for a while and saying, "My pants is wet, Mama." Then, few minutes after that, he's busy in stage two. And few minutes after that he's going to the stage 3 and 4 and finally he's in the pool. It's only 40-50 cm heights and it's still under his belly height. OMG, boy!! LOL
We finished our playing water time 1 hour after. He said he didn't want to go out from it. Hahahaha.....It's gonna be a routine for him. Yeaaahh!!!
This Sunday, we're not having any meeting with somebody. So we decided to go to MKG for having fun. As usual, we preferred to use "angkot 13" our public transportation to get there. Fritz, of course, was so enthusiast riding it. Honestly, I wanted to buy a smart phone for me but I still considered it as we don't have any budget on it. :( So, we spent the time to go to Timezone as Fritz wish. It's him when he's playing car there.
Fun : Timezone
This Sunday, we're not having any meeting with somebody. So we decided to go to MKG for having fun. As usual, we preferred to use "angkot 13" our public transportation to get there. Fritz, of course, was so enthusiast riding it. Honestly, I wanted to buy a smart phone for me but I still considered it as we don't have any budget on it. :( So, we spent the time to go to Timezone as Fritz wish. It's him when he's playing car there.
Friday, April 26, 2013
Craft : Origami
This time our Origami time contained of fruits. He said he wanted to make fruits. He chose to make banana, grapes and watermelon. He insisted to put face on those, only watermelon was safe from face. :P
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
Earth Week
Naming the part of tree
Doing the addition
Coloring the can number 4
Filling the empty box with ordinal numbers
Coloring the Earth by numbers
Doing the maze
Writing the part of tree
Cutting the materials to be pasted
Ordering the life cycle of Plant
Tracing the lines
Finding the same pictures
Doing the pictures' sequences
Doing the maze to get the water under the tree
Coloring the Earth again by the orders
PE : Swimming
Yeaaaah....finally, he's back again to the pool. This time I made it very slow.
A day before, I asked him to have swimming and, surprisingly, he said yes with my offer. So, the next day, I made it coming true. I asked him to go to the nearest pool. It's around 9 o'clock before we jumped into the pool. Not really jump actually, LOL
Then, I suited him with his pants and shirtless. I asked him to get in the water. He's really taking an hour to adjust with the pool. Firstly, he just wanted to stand in the first stage, sitting for a while and saying, "My pants is wet, Mama." Then, few minutes after that, he's busy in stage two. And few minutes after that he's going to the stage 3 and 4 and finally he's in the pool. It's only 40-50 cm heights and it's still under his belly height. OMG, boy!! LOL
We finished our playing water time 1 hour after. He said he didn't want to go out from it. Hahahaha.....It's gonna be a routine for him. Yeaaahh!!!
Math : Addition
Fritz was using his sticks again to do the addition. I left him to do it by himself but then in few minutes he found a difficulty. He forgot how to do it. :P So I've to accompany him a while to give him the instruction. He's great after that, he finished the worksheet by himself. (Y)
Monday, April 22, 2013
Cooking : Earth Pancake
Related to our theme this week, Earth week theme, I found this idea from Pinterest. We're making an Earth pancake by using green and blue food coloring to be the same as Earth. It's actually fun activity for us, but our room is really small to move on. :P
Sunday, April 21, 2013
K4 : Week 3
4 years
Yeah....so much fun this week!
He said he wanted to play with this fraction toy because he wanted to eat pizza. He doesn't realize that he's learned about fractions. :D
I found an activity book with Mickey cover in front it. I gave to Fritz and he said he wanted to do. Okay...we started the 2nd page and he needed to write the number in sequence from 1 to 20. I just realized that he's not good enough in writing those numbers. I took time to fix it. He's not really good in writing number 2, 3, 5, 8 and 9. We practiced...practiced...and practiced till he's better. Don't ask if I've got temper on it or not!. LOL :P
We;re continuing the first chapter, Things We Wear. It's easy for him but the worksheets were so attractive. He loved it so much!
This week, we started new Bible lesson. We started from Creation. Yes, we ever had this theme before, but I have to start again from the beginning.
Stick the days of Creation in sequence
Tracing the days of Creation
Put the pictures of Creation in sequence
Cut the paper before he pasted it
Paste the pictures in order
Then, write his name on it
Paste the pictures in order from day 1 to day 7
Match the pictures
Circle the letters of his name
Fill in the box all about his favorite
He's always eager to help me while I'm cooking. This time, I wanted to make vegetable Risoles for his snacks this afternoon. It's easy to make.
Mix water, flour and eggs together then make a thin layer on pan till the dough finish. Then, fill with vegetables {I used carrots and green beans} I've already cooked it before with a minced chicken. Roll and dip it inside a beaten egg and pour it with bread crumbs. Freeze for few minutes then fry it. Yummy!!
I've got the recipe from one of my idol, Tante Metta. She's really the best homemade cook!! I followed the steps from her blog, Mari Singgah....Please try everyone!! :9
Practical Life
Fritz had a present from Aunty Ika, it's a balloon chair. When he saw it after we arrived at Opa's house, he really couldn't wait to see it. He tried his best to pump this balloon with his full power. Too bad, we made a little mistake, we forgot to put the balloon inside the cover. LOL
Physical Education
Every Saturday, Fritz always goes to a playground inside ACE Hardware, Living World with Papa to spend time while I have a private class. I've just picked them up after I'm done with my class then we're having lunch together in another place. I've never seen him playing for, I think, it's more than a year.
This Saturday was a bit different because we wanted to visit Pothai {Fritz's great grandma}that afternoon. After I'm done with my class, I went to the mall and saw Fritz was happy playing there. Here's what I found! He bravely climbed up the fake mountain. Wow! Proud of you now, boy!!
This weekend, we {again} were not going anywhere but staying at home. We're having family watching time this week and the movies were Iron Man 2 and The Avengers. The boys were watching The Avengers on my laptop. Fritz was really so excited watching it. I really can't wait to watch Iron Man 3 next week!! :D