This week, we started our new life in Gading Nias Residence near Kelapa Gading. We moved in on Sunday and it's quite hectic and busy. Packed up and cleaned up all the stuffs were made us so tired. Thankfully, Fritz was so happy to know that we're gonna stay in our small but comfy apartment. He's extremely HAPPY!!
After we had our dinner and we're such having an idle time, we decided to go to the nearest mall. As the parking lots was limited and we had to fight for looking the free space {read: it's really tightly and no space enough}, Pop decided not to use our car. So we went by 'angkot' [a common public transportation in Jakarta].
It's really the first time for Fritz going by angkot and he's so excited. ^O^ It's just took 5 minutes to get to the mall and we hang out. The problem appeared when we realized that we didn't know how to get home by angkot as it's our first time and it's night too ^o^. And thanks God, we finally found it. We had to cross the road first to get the angkot with the back route. Fiuuuuh!!!
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