Friday, June 22, 2012

Letter E

Alphabet Parade
It's his favorite activity! He loves to find the way for Mr Elephant to its peanut.

Tracing big E

Tracing letter E

Tracing lines
He matched the marker with the elephants, using blue marker!

Tracing shape
He learns how to trace nicely around the dots. Sometimes he made it not really nice and I asked him to do it in proper way. He's a little bit grumpy but he still did it. ;P

Tracing E again

He learnt about the preposition from a simple book he read (taken from RRSP 1+1+1)

It's my most favorite activity for this week. He could do the coloring all by himself. He saw the numbers and found the colors though his coloring wasn't nice. ;p

Counting the peanuts
It's the first time for Fritz, addition activity. He still didn't get the point of this activity. He's still not ready yet for it. 

Letter E and objects

Elephant Puzzle

Cutting with scissors
He's ready with the real scissors and great with it.^_*

Bottle Caps
It's really a great activity for Preschoolers to learn words. However, Fritz was boring when he had to do the lower case letter as it's too long word for him.

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