Sunday, March 29, 2015

1st Grade Curriculum

Finally, we've come up with something that I call as a big step for his education. We choose homeschooling for his next 6 years education ahead. Some people will call us crazy not going to put him to school but this is our choice and we are very responsible (hopefully) for his education. 

We think this is the best for us and for him. We're not just avoiding from carrying a heavy bag to school, bullying socialization, the long hour of study in the class or can't talk or play in the class during the study but we're concern with the materials the school will give to our kid. We need something concrete than abstract, we need him to down to earth literally, doing so many activities and not being a robot with something he need to memorize than understand. We don't want him to spare his brain for something he's not going to use anymore in the future such as memorizing the name or year of the history lesson. Just type it on Google, dear!

So, for his 1st Grade material, I still combine from some sources and decide not using particular curriculum but from here and there. We're going to use Evan Moor for English, Math, Science and Social Studies and we combine some material from national curriculum we get it free from Kemdikbud. 

Besides, we put him with some activities outside such as 
- Rockstar Gym for his Physical Exercise every Wednesday and Saturday
- Drum course class at Purwacaraka Music Studios every Thursday morning
- Mandarin course class at Hong Hua every Tuesday and Thursday afternoon for 1,5 hour each
- Pramuka or Boys Brigade and Archery Class at Klub Oase base every Wednesday morning
- Sunday School {of course} every Sunday
- Joining with Characteristic Program for Saung Poncol Children at Merunda every first week in a month with Komunitas Sahabat, my community. He sits and plays with some rural children there. He needs it!

Here the books we're going to use for his 1st Grade. I know it's too much, we're not going to use it every time. We'll combine it based on our needs.

1. Daily Language Review Grade 1
2. Language Fundamentals Grade 1
3. A Word a Day Grade 1
4. Grammar & Punctuation Grade 1
5. Building Spelling Skills Grade 1
6. Daily Phonics Grade 1
7. Daily Reading Comprehension Grade 1

1. Explode The Code 3. He loves it so much and he insists to finish that book.
2. Workbook from my previous work. 

1. Daily Common Core Math Practice
2. Basic Math Skills
3. Building Math Fluency

1. Math Mammoth Series
2. CIMT {free download}

Bahasa Indonesia
We need to learn some subjects from national school, such as Bahasa Indonesia, Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan and Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial/Alam. Thankfully, we found free resources from Kemdikbud

1. Daily Science
2. Everyday Literacy Science
3. Take It To Your Seat Science
4. Science Work For Kids with Various Themes

Social Studies
* Geography
1. Daily Geography
2. Beginning Geography
3. Take It To Your Seat - Geography Centers
4. Ancient Civilizations

- famous people