Monday, October 04, 2010

Toddler : 18 month


Taken from here

Based on Fritz's fave figures for recently, Cars, I made it for him. Though I knew it's not really proper for 18th months boy actually. It's proven when I gave to him. Just need few second to tear the paper towards. ~_~ At least, he could learn some things from this lapbook. It contains some shapes, colors, numbers and his name.

ABC's : Coloring Dd
It was time for Dd part. I gave him the color pencils and let him to choose what colors he liked. He can hold the pencil correctly.

Math : Coloring #3
I gave him a math coloring number and a pink color pencil. He wanted to do it. He wanted to color it.....

Color : Pink
Actually the painting activity has done last week. This week, we continued to paste the pink things. Here the things: Pink Pig, Pink Princess, Pink Shoes, Pink Bag, Pink Heart and Pink Ribbon.

Practical Life
*Pouring beads from glass to glass*
I gave a tray contains 2 plastic glasses and some beads. Then he poured the beads from one plastic glass to other plastic glass. He also modified it by putting 2-3 beads in the glass and pouring it then.

Learning Toys
*Shape Sorter*
I took off all the shape and I asked Fritz to do it by himself. Believe it or not, he did it!

*Thomas Train*
Fritz asked to play with his Thomas Train. He didn't too eager playing with the shapes or numbers. He was just wanted to play with the phone on top of it. He pretended was on phone with someone. So cute!

*Colors of Balls*
During bathing time, I put some balls into his tub. Few days ago, I taught him the colors of the balls. Today, when I asked, he could recognize most of them. He knows blue, purple, orange, yellow and green already. (if he is on his mood...^0^)

Reading Books
Another series of Vocabularies mini books that I bought...Transportation. He loves to see car, hot air balloon (as he saw in Mickey Mouse DVD), bicycle and train (the train looks like Thomas Train)

*Brushing teeth*
On last Saturday, I found him brushing his teeth using his toothbrush a while before the real brushing teeth ritual at that night. When I asked him to do the real one, he refused and I really needed extra power to brush his teeth.

*Wearing shoes*
On Sunday, when we had a lunch in one of Japanese fast food restaurant, I found him using his own shoes. It's so funny when I saw that he used those upside down. At least, he did it by himself! *Yay*

*During on Momma's teaching*

Sometimes, I asked Poppa and Fritz accompanying me during on my teaching time. Yesterday, thankfully, Fritz wasn't too sleepy and he wanted to sit down on the chair pretending did a work. I gave him a paper and a pencil like usual. He successfully sat down nicely for half an hour!

*Eating an ice cream*
After went home from Hypermart, Fritz was eating a small cone of chocolate ice cream. Look his face! He was so excited eating it. And look at his mouth! Full of chocolate around it. Look so cute he was!

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