Friday, February 03, 2012

Letter X

Day 1
As usual, we started the week by making letter with dough. He's totally freaks with letter X! ^^

Then, he traced the letter very nice.

Next, he did the tracing lines.

I'm getting surprise with his willingness in coloring the objects. Though he just loves to color by 2 colors (red&black only), he never made it full. Since last week, he started to choose orange to fill all the object's area. Great job, boy!

And the last one for that day was matching the shadow. He's great!!

Day 2
Letter X was very less objects to learn and I was really hard to explain the objects to him.

He loves to paste this xylophones. He didn't find any difficulty anymore in counting and recognizing the objects.

He knows mostly the instrument such as drum, piano, guitar, trumpet, violin and xylophone. And the rest he knows it as trumpet...hahahhaa......

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