Friday, March 30, 2012

Birthday Theme

This week Fritz is still learning about Birthday.

Day 1
To start the week, we learn the vocab first. Mostly, he knew the objects very well.

As I forgot to bring the crayons, so he just colored with my colorful marker. He's still not really interested in coloring. Look at his pic, only the nose was nice. LOL

I didn't know what happen to him that day, he didn't show any excitement in learning especially in tracing the lines. He insisted me to hold his hands while doing it.

This was his favorite part! He tried to observe the cake. And he obviously love this activity. Yeay!! ^^

And this activity was also great for him. He's still good in searching the different.

Day 2
He learnt how to find the next object by seeing the patterns before.

Matching the shadow was still a big hit for him. He still loved it so much!

Getting expert in counting these objects

Day 3
New activity for him and he enjoyed it so much. He even knew the letter except the last two (in the picture). Good job, boy!

Still great in puzzle!!

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