Monday, June 11, 2012

Fun : with Lona

Lona had been to Hongkong and had a gift for Fritz. So she came to our Apartment to give it after she went home from school.

Fritz was so happy seeing her and insisted to take a bath in hurry before he met Lona. It's so funny that he said, "Mama, Izzie wants to take a bath, Lona will come after this." He wanted that he looked gorgeous when Lona came. LOL.

Lona had just arrived before lunch time. I made spaghetti for us. Fritz and Lona had their portion but both were quite busy playing in our room so they didn't finish their lunch.

As there's not much we could do in our apartment, we decided to ask Lona and her mom to go to MOI. We decided to watch Madagascar at Blitz. Yippieeee..both were so happy!!

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