Sunday, January 20, 2013

Preschool : Flood Week

Fritz is currently 45 months 3 weeks

This week, we had flood around Jakarta. It's really a massive flood! We couldn't do much as we're also kept on our eye if suddenly the flood came to our neighborhood. 

Solar System
We continued the Solar System worksheet this week. 

Adding the missing parts

Color the objects based on the number said

Circle the smaller one

Count the objects

Matching the parts

Finding the alien's planet come from

Circle the bigger one

Count the objects

Circle the odd one

Another circle the odd one


Fritz always likes to do this simple addition. He really loves to count with these colorful sticks. He didn't need any help from me anymore while doing it. He did all of these by himself. He even asked me to give him more worksheets. Good job, boy!


Om Vigi came again to our apartment. He came as he's in Jakarta for some must things he did *as he said*. Though he just came for few hours, it's really fun having him in our small apartment. Fritz was happy too seeing him. :D

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