Thursday, December 22, 2011

Nativity Week

Day 1
We started the week by tracing the letter of Nativity theme. And Fritz successfully made it. He could trace the letter one by one by himself. Great!!

Then, we continued tracing the lines. Again, he could make it nicely though some were out of the trace lines....^^

Next, counting the objects and trace the numbers. He found a little difficulty in tracing the number 4. He still needs more on practice in tracing this numbers. Moreover, he could match the objects to the right numbers though he slipped on the number 2 and 3. ^^

He still wanted to learn and I gave him the odd one out activities. And he finished it quite some time as he made it in silly. Overall, he could do it very nice and very understand the concept.

The last one was guessing which object came out then. He still didn't get the concept but he could match the picture by seeing the objects in the row. So he could easily match with the objects he had to paste.

Day 2
He mostly knows the objects and very eager to learn about it. He loves the baby especially. He called it "baby J" name he made!! ^^

Next, he asked to do this activity. He wanted to match the shadow with its objects. He made it nice, didn't he??

I printed out the mini book for him which mentioned some animals living in the manger with the baby J inside.

The last one for that day was making this activity. He sorted the objects based on the people and animals. He made it successfully though he preferred to paste all the people first then the animals next. ^^

Day 3
In the 3rd day, he chose to do the puzzle first. He took quite some time as usual he made it in silly. He actually knows the rules that he had to paste in sequence numbers from 1 to 10. However, he tried to silly me by putting the 7 after 5 and 6 after 7...and some numbers...though finally he made it nice.

Arranging the baby J from big to small. He loved this pictures so much....

I had another sorting activity again for him. Still he's eager making it. He made it the people first and did the rest on animals sides. That's him....

Day 4
For the 4th day, he made the counting objects and put the peg on its correct number. He made it very nice. He's getting familiar with the numbers and counting the objects.

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