Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Miscellaneous : Trial Chinese Class

Fritz wasn't too excited when Mama said that we wanted to have a trial class for Chinese class near Opa's house. He just felt that we wanted to go to school.

We had a trial in the afternoon, around 3 o'clock. So when it's the time, surprisingly, he's getting excited. He prepared himself very well. He changed his clothes and wanted to use his own shoes. Then, we're ready to have trial. We went by motor as it's very near. We met Mama's sister's friend there, Tante Ellin, as she works there.

We'd to wait for few minutes before the class begun. Fritz sat nicely beside Mama. He saw some new friends and all were bigger than him. When, the teacher said it's the time, Fritz couldn't wait for it. He asked me to go with the others, "come on, Mama. Hurry!!" (Ayo Mama, cepetan)...

He's really easily mingle with the others. He shook his hands and introduced his name. Great job!! He also insisted to join with their class. LOL!!

His class was upstairs with others big friends too. He joined with 4-5 years old friends. They still don't have any class for Fritz's age.

He's a little bit shy when he had to repeat what Laoshi pronounced in Chinese. By the time, he'd enjoyed himself. Mama got out from the class as I've seen he settled down already.

He didn't cry but he's looking for Mama. Then I'd chose to end up the class as it's not a suit class for him. I was afraid that we made the class couldn't concentrate well. :)

So far, he loved the class and he enjoyed his time there.

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