Sunday, April 15, 2012

Preschool : Letter A - Apples

Fritz is currently 36 months 3 weeks

This week, we started with new subjects from new and various materials. Fritz started with Letter A again. And the materials were taken mostly from Confessions of a Homeschooler. The rest were from School Sparks and still used from 1+1+1=1 blog, (Carisa and Ladybug)

Letter A
Day 1

We started new material this week. We began the day by tracing the letter A and coloring the objects. Like usual, he always refuses coloring things and no wonder how messy it was..

Next, we continued with tracing various lines. He's getting great in tracing lines. He tried his best to trace in the lines. Good job!

Making patterns by recognizing the letter A. Still needs help when doing the lines, however, he's good in recognizing the upper and lower A.

Day 2
For the next day, he wanted to show it to Papa what he always learns with Mama. So, he asked Papa to see him while he's working. Sooo proudly. LOL

He'd to guess the next patterns. He still needs more practice on it as he's not getting use.

Puzzle time!! He loved it...'s easy for him, just pasted the apples on the tree. Simple and very fun for him.

Yeaaahh...he's getting good in tracing. He made it very neatly with red marker. Red is his favorite color, "like McQueen, ka-chow".

Day 3

He continued what he made firstly in apartment, tracing letter A again. Though he made not really nice firstly, I asked him to make it nice.

Yeah!! He tried his best to gain his skill in tracing. And here's the result...

Reading a book about the word "Away". He's excited as always. ^^

Math time!!
He had to count the seeds and match with the correct numbers. He did it great!

Day 4
It's new for Fritz and he's quite excited with this. I pasted the letters on the used bottle cap that I washed and cleaned first before it. He could differentiate it between the upper and lower letter.

Ahh....again tracing letter A on the vocabulary paper. He'd made it before but he didn't wanna continue it. SO he'd to finish what he did before.

And the last one, matching the apple shapes. He has recognized all the shapes perfectly. Great!!

Practical Life

Fritz was busy helping Oma drying the clothes during on Mama's working time. Oma sent some pictures for Mama seeing as Mama had to work that morning without seeing Fritz waken up.

Drying clothes are another important things too for our daily life. Fritz really needs this to practice. Good job, Fritz!!

It's happened once in a life time seeing a father and son moment like this. Papa was being bathed Fritz one morning day. It's really so precious having this picture.

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