Monday, August 01, 2011

ABC's : Letter L

That morning, I just need not more than 15 minutes to complete all 6 activities in a row.

We did the dough first. He's trying to make the letter L from it. He applied it into the paper.

Then, he traced the letter L by himself and it looked not really nicely... ^^ I tried to help him by asking him to follow the pattern.

We continued to color the letter L's objects. There were Leaf, Lion, Lemon and Lamp. He asked me, "What is it, Momma?" [pointed the picture] every time he colored the objects. In the 3rd and 4th objects, he asked me to hold his hands while he's doing the coloring...-__-'

Next, he traced the lines very nicely though he started from the bottom to up....^^

Finally, the last one.....he pasted the objects related. He loved the Lollipop one...^0^

Actually, he already got bored already in the 2nd activities. I persuaded him again and again and thankfully he did all successfully...^^

And, after he went round and and there....he sat down again in his chair and asked me to color the Leaf.

Sometimes, I really need extra patience to face his mood in studying. Sometimes, he shows his eagerness and happy to do all the activities. And, sometimes I have to face his rejection too....

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