Saturday, April 30, 2011

Fun : Playing with Aretha

On Saturday, we spent time with one of Mom's "Mommy's on March Club", Mom of Aretha (Ms Thelly) at her home as she bought some things from Mom.

Both of Fritz and Aretha couldn't play along together firstly as it's their first meeting too. They looked awkward each other and Aretha was feeling insecure with her toys as there's someone new was busy with her toys. ^^

Both are very different. Fritz with his calmness and Aretha with her active body. Fritz was very busy playing with the kitchen set (only) while Aretha was busy doing something moving, such as singing, drinking milk from the fridge, sitting on her piggy chair and scribbling with her pen and many more. Fritz was quite happy with the kitchen set only...

After few time, they could play along together. Mommies were busy talking each other about the kids. Then, Aretha finally decided to join with Fritz playing with the kitchen set. Few minutes later, Aretha decided to play with ball and it's time for Fritz to join with her.

It's nice to see these two kids play along together....and I'm so happy that Fritz is able now to easily get into with his new environment.

For me, I think I really need much more time to get Fritz socialize with his age friends.

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