Sunday, April 03, 2011

Pre-Nursery : Aa - Apples

Fritz is currently 2 years 1 week

This week we learned something new. I got the idea and taken the source from here

Alphabet : Aa - Apples

Color : Red

Vocabulary : Fruits

this is our board of the week

Picture : Fruits

This week we learnt about Fruits. He enjoyed the learning with Bahasa rather than in English. He is able to memorize the names well. He also able to point to the right pic when I mentioned. He was eager in collecting the cards and gave back to me as I said the names. ^^

*Sequencing the apples*

This activity asked Fritz to do the sequencing from the complete apple then a bite of apple to the last one. He still wasn't able to do it. He still needed help to arrange it. He totally couldn't able to order it well.

*Apple Puzzle*

He's able to do it with a lil help of course. *yay* ^-^

*Paste A-a things*

I've got this activity from the Homeschool Creation.

I cut the pictures of A-things and I asked Fritz to paste it in a paper with a big Aa letter in the middle.

He proudly showed it to Opa after he's done with it.

*A-a dough*

I made this for him as he's not really able to do it. It showed him how to make upper and lower case of A. He looked so interesting while we made this. ^-^

Tracing : Apples
Tracing the apples in the middle of his sickness. He's still eager doing it. Get well soon, boy!

*Colorful Apples*

I'm so happy when I asked him to color of these apples. There's a word in each apples to be colored. He got the marker and I pointed the apples with the same marker he hold. Then, he colored the apples that I pointed. He understand the order now and he wanted to follow it though he didn't do completely.

*Big Apple*

He just wanted to do it in front of his beloved Opa. When I asked him, he totally refused. Opa was sitting next to him.

*Aa things*

Again, we did the coloring. Now, it's time for coloring the Aa things. There are Astronaut, Apple, Alligator and Ant. All with black, except the alligator. The apple was almost with black. He ran away when I gave him the red crayon. -__-'

Learning Toys

Monday afternoon I have a new private student. She's my cousin actually ^^

At that time, I have to go with all my family. Fritz and Pop saw this Congklak under the table. Both of them decided to play with this. They were so excited as Pop is the one who adores the traditional things. Pop was so excited to introduce this things to Fritz.

It is the traditional games from Indonesia. More about Congklak

*ABC small foam mat*

When I asked him to play with this, it took several minutes to complete the letters from A to I. Actually, he's able to complete it in few second, but he got boring already. So I asked to call his names few times before he's done with his other toys then he came to me. He got the letters from the tray and complete it one by one as I said the things related with the letters.

A - apple
B - ball (bola)
C - car
D - doggy
E - Ella (Mom's little name)
F - Fritz
G - gajah (elephant)
H - helicopter
I - ice cream and he licked it as an ice cream

*Playing Role : with big box*
I've got this idea when Fritz was so into playing under my leg. He crawled it again and again. I couldn't make him stop! Then, I got a small box that was suit enough for his body to crawl into.

When he took a shower with Oma, I found a big box. It was really a big box cause it used for a fridge when we bought it for the first time. It's gonna be fun playing inside it!

I cleaned up all the dirty things and made it clean enough for this lil boy to play inside it.

When he entered the box, he looked so enthusiast. He felt like a home for him. He played along with Uncle K there. He crawled and peeked a boo with Uncle. Then both of them were giggling a lot.

I've got another idea. I grabbed the markers then I asked Fritz to decorate his inside wall. Actually, it's looking like a scribbling than decorating! ^_*

I made some pictures inside. I made a pic of me and Fritz, my big foot, his little feet, my hand, cars and a home with tree and blue skies with Mr Sun. Then we sang the Mr Sun song.

It's really a big hit for him. He enjoyed almost half an hour playing inside it!! ^^

*Drink milk by himself*
When he got sick, he refused to eat anything. This was in the morning when he didn't want to get his breakfast. He wanted me to make him a glass of milk. He decided to drink it by himself. Look so nice, huh?! ^^

*Circles and circles*

In his age, now he starts to make some circles in the blank paper. He loves to make it small and roundly. Sometimes it looked like number 9 instead. SO funny!

*Sorting colors to sorting shapes*

Firstly, I asked Fritz to sort things based on its colors. I've prepared the color cards. There were red, blue, yellow and green and the things I've got it from his shape sorter.

He totally refused to do it. He even didn't want to speak out or hold the shapes. He went to his cupboard and found the empty based of the shape sorter happily. He sat down and started to sort the correct shapes. -__-"

He's a little perfect person. For him, the shapes are belongs to its place not for the other things. So he chose to return the shapes to its place belong. After he finished, he tidied up again to the cupboard.

Sunday School
Our 2nd Sunday School time! ^^ *how lazy Mom I am, huh?! ^^*

The background of the pic were still the same as his 1st time. It's in the class where just few people who couldn't join with the activities together.

When we came, the weather was unfriendly already. Then, I asked Fritz to sit together with others. Few minutes after that, the SS was begun.

The teachers or usually we call them "sister" or "kakak" in Bahasa. Mostly of the teachers are still younger than me. They are all teenagers. *I remembered the time when I was being SS teacher too ^^*

Fritz was look unhappy. He chose to go around with me. Then he found the class that we used on the 1st time we came. He preferred to stay there till the end of the activities.

He just played with the blocks with one big brother. He sat and colored the pic that they had prepared for the children. Again, I have to take it by myself and Fritz was just staying in the class enjoying his time there. Luckily, he wanted to color it.

When the time was almost over, it rain heavily. Surprisingly, Oma picked us up with two big umbrellas in her hands. I have to carry Fritz along the way home. Can u imagine how tired I was?! *sigh*


  1. It looks like you and Fritz had a good week together. I love his little cirlce drawings. My little one has started to do that too.

  2. thanks....^^

    yes, we did....and I believe u have fun too with ur daughter, right? ^^
