Saturday, April 02, 2011

Role Play : Big box

I've got this idea when Fritz was so into playing under my leg. He crawled it again and again. I couldn't make him stop! Then, I got a small box that was suit enough for his body to crawl into.

When he took a shower with Oma, I found a big box. It was really a big box cause it used for a fridge when we bought it for the first time. It's gonna be fun playing inside it!

I cleaned up all the dirty things and made it clean enough for this lil boy to play inside it.

When he entered the box, he looked so enthusiast. He felt like a home for him. He played along with Uncle K there. He crawled and peeked a boo with Uncle. Then both of them were giggling a lot.

I've got another idea. I grabbed the markers then I asked Fritz to decorate his inside wall. Actually, it's looking like a scribbling than decorating! ^_*

I made some pictures inside. I made a pic of me and Fritz, my big foot, his little feet, my hand, cars and a home with tree and blue skies with Mr Sun. Then we sang the Mr Sun song.

It's really a big hit for him. He enjoyed almost half an hour playing inside it!! ^^

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